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GAR0231   2 Japanese Shunga albums (with explicit erotic drawings)

Ukiyo-e Shunga   Yanagi no Arashi 'Willow Storm' and 'Embracing Venus' 2 books in one sale
1. – Ukiyo-e Shunga 4: Yanagi no Arashi ‘Willow Storm’: An Unusual Shunga Album by Hokusai’s son-in-law, Yanagawa Shigenobu
by Yoshikazu Hayashi, Shigenobu Yanagawa

Ukiyo-e Shunga   Yanagi no Arashi 'Willow Storm' and 'Embracing Venus' 2 books in one sale

ISBN 9784309910147
4309910149 | 4-309-91014-9 | 978-4309910147 | 978-4-309-91014-7
9.5 x 11.5″, In Japanese with English commentary by Yoshikazu Hayashi. This book as new. Wrap-around band in excellent condition.
ISBN 4 309 91014 9

2. – Ukiyo-e Shunga 2: ‘Embracing Venus’: Utamaro and the Komachi-biki Shunga Album
by Richard Lane, Yoshikazu Hayashi
Jp Oversized, Published 1996

ISBN 9784309910123
4309910122 | 4-309-91012-2 | 978-4309910123 | 978-4-309-91012-3
The wrap-around band is a little damaged, but the book is in excellent condition.

d   1996
i   9.5 x 11.5″, In Japanese with English commentary by Richard Lane. Oversized, 36 pages
  2 books for € 27,50 together

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    tags: #robertphotforsale, GAR0231, Shigenobu Yanagawa; Yoshikazu Hayashi; Richard Lane, Yanagi no Arashi, Willow Storm, Shunga, Embracing Venus’
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GAR0187 BOEKEN ‘Sprekende Theaterbeelden’

  BOEKEN ‘Sprekende Theaterbeelden’
Auteur H. Lemmerman en M. Lonink
• Nederlands
• Paperback
• 9789080331365
• Druk 1
• 160 pagina’s
Schrijvers: Lemmerman, H., Lonink M., samenstelling
Titel: Sprekende theaterbeelden / druk 1
ISBN: 9789080331365
Taal: Nederlands
Uitgever: Zwaluw, De
Bijzonderheden: 2004, 160pp, 30 x 30 cm. In zeer goede staat

€   14,00
Verzendkosten € 6,75 (binnen Nederland)

d   2004
i   12 decorontwerpers, voor bijv. Artemis, Wederzijds en de Trust lichten hun werk toe, in prachtig uitgegeven boek met veel fotomateriaal. Boekband in rood velours met geschroefd katern.

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GAR0250 Books of Interest: ‘the Story of English’

 'the Story of English'
‘the Story of English’, Robert McCrum, William Cran, Robert MacNeil
First published in 1986 by Faber and Faber Limited, 3 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AU and BBC Publications. A division of BBC Enterprises Ltd, 35 Marylebone High Street, London W 1 M 4AA.
Designed by Julia Alldridge. Typeset by Keyspools, Golborne, Warrington. Colour reproduction by Wensum Graphics, Norwich, Norfolk Printed in Great Britain by W S Cowell, Ipswich, Suffolk. Bound by Butler & Tanner, Frome, Somerset. All rights reserved ÇJ Robert McCrum, William Cran, Robert MacNeil 1986
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data McCrum, ·Robert l. ‘Title The story of English I. English language -Hlistory ISBN o 571 13828 4 (Faber and Faber) ISBN o 563 20247 5 (BBC)

Chapter 2
The Mother Tongue

The making of English is the story of three invasions and a cultural revolution. In the simplest terms, the language was brought to Britain by Germanic tribes, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes influenced by Latin and Greek when St Augustine and his followers converted England to Christianity, subtly enriched by the Danes, and finally transformed by the French‑speaking Normans.

From the beginning, English was a crafty hybrid, made in war and peace. It was, in the words of Daniel Defoe, ‘your Roman‑Saxon‑Danish‑Norman English’. In the course of one thousand years, a series of violent and dramatic events created a new language which, by the time of Geoffrey Chaucer, was intelligible to modern eyes and ears without the aid of subtitles.

The English have always accepted the mixed blood of their language. There was a vague understanding that they were part of a European language family, but it was not until the eighteenth century that a careful investigation by a gifted amateur linguist began to decipher the true extent of this common heritage.
The Common Source

In the early days of the Raj, Sir William Jones, a British judge stationed in India, presented a remarkable address to the Asiatick Society in Calcutta, the fruits of his investigations into ancient Sanskrit. A keen lawyer, Jones had originally intended to familiarize himself with India’s native law codes. To his surprise, he discovered that Sanskrit bore a striking resemblance to two other ancient languages of his acquaintance, Latin and Greek. The Sanskrit word for father, transliterated from its exotic alphabet, emerged as pitar, astonishingly similar, he observed, to the Greek and Latin pater. The Sanskrit for mother was matar; in the Latin of his school days, it was mater. Investigating further, he discovered dozens of similar correspondences. Though he was not the first to notice these similarities, no one before Sir William Jones had studied them systematically. The Sanskrit language, he announced to the Asiatick Society on that evening of 2 February 1786, shared with Greek and Latin a stronger affinity … than could possibly have been produced by accident; so strong, indeed, that no philologer could examine them all three, without believing them to have sprung from some common source, which, perhaps, no longer exists

2nd hand, €   10,00

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GAR0242 BOEK: ‘de Megalietenbouwers’, Francis HITCHING

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 'de Megalietenbouwers', Francis HITCHING
Verspreid langs de kusten van Europa bevinden zich tal van overblijfselen uit ons verre verleden. Daar verheffen zich even geheimzinnig als spookachtig de door hoge stenen gevormde cirkels, de dolmens en de grafheuvels, die ons herinneren aan een tijdperk van ver voor het ontstaan van het wiel, meer dan vijfduizend jaar geleden. Met welk doel vele van deze monumenten door de Europese megalitische mens werden opgericht is een der grootste mysteries, een mysterie dat nog altijd een bron vormt van eindeloze en vaak hoog oplaaiende discussies onder archeologen, historici, para-psychologen en zelfs onder religieuze fanatici.
Op fascinerende wijze onderwerpt Francis Hitching de vele argumenten van de elkaar bestrijdende partijen aan een eerlijk en openhartig onderzoek. Hij voegt die argumenten aaneen tot ze in elkaar passen als de stukken van een gigantische legpuzzel en versterkt daarbij gaandeweg het geloof in de thans veld winnende opvatting, dat de mensen die duizend jaar voor het ontstaan van de piramiden de aarde bevolkten beslist niet de barbaren waren voor wie wij hen eeuwen lang hebben gehouden. Integendeel, in dit boek wordt onthuld dat zij, hoewel onbekend met de geschreven taal, een beschaving bezaten van bijzonder hoog peil en dat zij in welhaast volkomen harmonie leefden met de aarde en haar geheimen.
In Amerika werd De megalietenbouwers door de Book-of-the-Month Club gekozen tot keuzeboek van de maand. Francis Hitching Is zowel lid van het Royal lnstitute of Archaeology als van de Prehistorie Society in Engeland.

Uitgever: Amsterdam Boek
ISBN: 9789031896790
Bindwijze: Paperback
Aantal Pagina’s: 272
Jaar: 1978

i   2e hands
Oorspronkelijke titel: Earth magie Vertaling: Rita Vermeer, Frans van der Wiel en Peter van Oers Omslagontwerp: Aad Opree ISBN 90 318 9679 9 © 1976 Francis Hitching Kaarten en tekeningen van Ken Smith: © 1976 Cassell & Co. Ltd © 1978 Copyright Nederlandse uitgave: Uitgeverij Amsterdam Boek B.V., Amsterdam

Francis Hitching is zowel lid van het Royal Institute of Archaeology als van de Prehistoric Society in Engeland
€   10,00

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GAR0239 BOOks of InterestLucy LIPPARD – ‘Overlay’

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GAR0239 Lucy LIPPARD - 'Overlay'
Published in the United States by Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.

Small portions of this book have appeared in articles written over the last decade, primarily the following: ‘·Quite Contrary: Body, Nature, and Ritual in Women’s Art” (Chrysalis, no. 2, 1977); “Body. House. City, Civilization, Journey” (Dwellings, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1978); “Complexes: Architectural Sculpture in Nature” (Art in America, Jan.-Feb. 1979); “Back Again,” (West of West: Ancient Monuments in Ireland, traveling exhibition. England, 1979-80); “Gardens: Some Metaphors fora Public Art” (Art In America, Oct. 1981); “Breaking Circles: The Polities of Prehistory” (in Robert Hobbs, ed., Robert Smithson: Sculpture, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1981).

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Lippard, Lucy R. Overlay: Contemporary art and the art of prehistory.
Bibliography: p. 253 Includes index. 1. Art, Modern-20th century-Themes, motives. 2. Conceptual art-Themes, motives. 3. Performance art-Themes, motives. 4. Art, Prehistoric-Themes, motives. 5. Art, Prehistoric-influence. 6. Symbolism in art. 1. Title. N7428.L56 1983 700’.9’04 82-22331
ISBN 0-394-51812-8
ISBN 0-394-71145-9 (paperback)
Typographic design by Sara Eisenman Manufactured in the United States of America First Edition All original art illustrated in this hook is copyrighted by the artists.
d   1983
i   second hand, used

Editorial Reviews

  • “Lippard skillfully shows the ‘primal urge’ is a core issue in ‘post-modernist’ art … it is invaluable as an insider’s synthesis capturing the consciousness of vanguard art in the recent past.”
    — Village Voice

  • “Lucy Lippard has skillfully blended sun, moon, myth, and ritual in a search for the meaning and social function of art.”
  • — Gerald Hawkins, author of Stonehenge Decoded and Mindsteps to the Cosmos

  • “The book’s strength lies in the depth of the author’s commitment–her dual loyalty to tradition and modernity and her effort to restore the broken connection between the two.”
    — New York Times Book Review

    About the Author
    Lucy R. LIPPARD is an internationally known writer, activist, and curator. She has authored twenty-three books, has curated more than fifty major exhibitions, and holds nine honorary doctorates of fine arts. Her books include The Lure of the Local, Partial Recall, The Pink Glass Swan, Mixed Blessings, On the Beaten Track, and Overlay, all published by The New Press. Lippard is the recipient of numerous awards, most recently the Carolyn Bancroft History Prize from the Denver Public Library and grants from Creative Capital and the Lannan Foundation. She lives in New Mexico.

    €   12,50

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    GAR0241 BOOKS: Mella JAARSMA -‘ portfolio catalogue 1994’

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    Mella Jaarsma portfolio catalogue
    Garage Sale:
    DESCRIPTION:   Mella Jaarsma portfolio catalogue 1994
    small portfolio catalogue (29 pages) with bio (3 pages)
    ?: no isbn, printed with support of the Dutch Embassy in Jakarta. Edition 500
    dd: 1994
    i: 21x25cm. 32 pages, semisoft cover, 2nd hand but in good condition

    €: 15,00

    @:   the costs of sending depend on the way of transport and destination. You pay what is on the package, not more
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