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GAR0238 BÜCHER: ‘Tagediebe’, Toni SUTER

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GAR0238 BÜCHER: ‘Tagediebe’, Toni SUTER
Photographien 1987 -1991
Eigenverlag, Lengnau, 1992, no page numbers, 25 euro, CHF 30,00,

i   ‘Between Ideal and Reality’
Galerie 24, Antwerpen
venue: Galerie 24, Leeuwenstraat 6, Antwerp, Belgium
date: 16.4.94 – 21.5.94
“‘Between Ideal And Reality: Young Swiss photography’. Eight young talents from different fields of photography. The exhibition gives an insight into the current Swiss photo scene. Co-ordination in Switzerland: Dennis SAVINI”

€   20,00

CONTACT for sale and more information
– #   the costs of sending depend on the way of transport and destination. You pay what is on the package, not more.

    tags: #robertphotforsale, GAR0238, Toni Suter, Tagediebe